Biomarkers in Thoracic Oncology
"Biomarkers in Thoracic Oncology" is an interactive, gamified activity designed to enhance knowledge of current and emerging biomarkers in thoracic oncology. Through a quiz format featuring multiple-choice questions, participants receive immediate feedback and track progress on a leaderboard, fostering engaging learning on biomarker applications in clinical decision-making for thoracic cancers.
Lung Cancer II
This CME-accredited activity, Lung Cancer II, is designed to improve the care of lung cancer patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of lung cancer.
Current Standards and Emerging Therapies in Thoracic Malignancies
"Current Standards and Emerging Therapies in Thoracic Malignancies" is an interactive, gamified activity focused on the latest advancements in thoracic cancer management. Through multiple-choice questions with immediate feedback and leaderboard tracking, participants gain insights into current standards and cutting-edge therapies to enhance clinical decision-making in thoracic oncology.
This CME-accredited activity, Myeloma, is designed to improve the care of myeloma patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of myeloma.
This CME-accredited activity, Lymphoma, is designed to improve the care of lymphoma patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of lymphoma.
Personalized Treatment Planning
Participants will select personalized treatment plans based on patient-specific data. Key Features: ● Case-based simulation studies: Realistic patient cases with detailed medical histories. ● Decision-making process: Selecting personalized treatments and justifying choices. ● Feedback and scoring: Assessment of treatment plans with educational feedback.
GI Oncology
This CME-accredited activity, GI Oncology, is designed to improve the care of gastrointestinal cancer patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of gastrointestinal cancer.
Gynecologic Cancers
This CME-accredited activity, Gynecologic Cancers, is designed to improve the care of gynecologic cancer patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of gynecologic cancer.
Breast Cancer II
This CME-accredited activity, Breast Cancer II, is designed to improve the care of breast cancer patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of breast cancer.
Lung Cancer
This CME-accredited activity, Lung Cancer, is designed to improve the care of lung cancer patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of lung cancer.
Thoracic Oncology Essentials: Rapid Review and Quiz Challenge
"Thoracic Oncology Essentials: Rapid Review and Quiz Challenge" is an interactive, gamified activity designed to reinforce key concepts in thoracic oncology through a combination of quick-fire and in-depth case-based questions. Featuring multiple-choice questions with immediate feedback and leaderboard tracking, this activity enables participants to rapidly review essential knowledge and apply it in clinically relevant scenarios to enhance decision-making skills.
Fundamentals of Precision Oncology
Participants will learn the basics of precision oncology, including key concepts and terminology
GU Oncology
This CME-accredited activity, GU Oncology, is designed to improve the care of genitourinary cancer patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of genitourinary cancer.
Multiple Myeloma - Hematalogic Malignancies
This CME-accredited activity, Multiple Myeloma - Hematologic Malignancies, is designed to improve the care of myeloma patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with a comprehensive overview of current and emerging strategies for the management of multiple myeloma. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of myeloma.
This CME-accredited activity, Sarcoma, is designed to improve the care of sarcoma patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of sarcoma.
Immunotherapy and Biomarkers
Participants will match immunotherapy options to specific biomarkers. Key Features: ● Matching game: Linking biomarkers with corresponding immunotherapy treatments. ● Decision-making process: Selecting personalized treatments and justifying choices. ● Immediate feedback: Clarifications on correct and incorrect matches.
This CME-accredited activity, Leukemia, is designed to improve the care of leukemia patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of leukemia.
Breast Cancer
This CME-accredited activity, Breast Cancer, is designed to improve the care of breast cancer patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of breast cancer.
Updates in Cellular Therapy
This CME-accredited activity, Updates in Cellular Therapy, is designed to improve the knowledge and competence of learners to apply practice-changing clinical data and expert recommendations to optimize clinical outcomes for patients with hematologic malignancies and to describe potential future applications of cellular therapy in solid tumors. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of cellular therapy.
Head and Neck Cancer
This CME-accredited activity, Head and Neck Cancer, is designed to improve the care of head/neck cancer patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of head/neck cancer.
Lymphoma II
This CME-accredited activity, Lymphoma II, is designed to improve the care of lymphoma patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of lymphoma.
GU Oncology II
This CME-accredited activity, GU Oncology 2, is designed to improve the care of GU patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of GU Cancers.
Targeted Therapy Selection
Participants will match targeted therapies to specific genetic mutations. Key Features: ● Case studies: Real-world scenarios requiring selection of appropriate targeted therapies. ● Drag-and-drop interface: For selecting and applying treatments. ● Explanatory feedback: Detailed explanations for each treatment choice.
Frontline Therapy for Thoracic Malignancies
"Frontline Therapy for Thoracic Malignancies" is an interactive, gamified activity designed to deepen understanding of optimal frontline therapies, including targeted and immunotherapies, for thoracic cancers. Featuring multiple-choice questions with immediate feedback and leaderboard tracking, this activity engages participants in applying evidence-based strategies to select effective first-line treatments.
Side Effect Management in Precision Oncology
Participants will manage side effects associated with precision oncology treatments. Key Features: ● Simulation scenarios: Realistic patient cases presenting with various side effects. ● Decision-making process: Selecting appropriate interventions for side effect management. ● Feedback and scoring: Assessment of intervention choices with educational feedback.
Genitourinary Cancers - Hematologic Malignancies
This CME-accredited activity, Genitourinary Cancers - Hematologic Malignancies, is designed to improve the care of GU cancer patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of GU oncology.
Lymphoma - Hematologic Malignancies
This CME-accredited activity, Lymphoma - Hematologic Malignancies, is designed to improve the care of lymphoma patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of lymphoma.
Myeloma II
This CME-accredited activity, Myeloma II, is designed to improve the care of myeloma patients by educating clinicians involved in cancer care. This activity is designed to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in the field. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care of myeloma.